Sprouting Melodies® is a music therapy based early childhood program designed and led by Board Certified Music Therapists to create child-centered musical experiences for the whole family in each and every music class. Sprouting Melodies integrates all that we, as music therapists, know about young children, development and musical responses. Sprouting Melodies provides consistent music experiences through which the child’s overall development is supported and strengthened. Parents are given specific tools and music strategies to support their child’s growth at home.
Even at the earliest stages of development, we know that infants are stimulated and comforted by music. Babies 0-9 months old participating in Sprouting Melodies 1 with their parent or caregiver will be joining in simple song structures that increase their awareness of themselves and others, nurture healthy bonds and develop trust with the world around them. With all that we know about brain development in infancy, it is really all that we can’t see at this age that is so incredibly vital to healthy growth. The repetition of musical experiences designed specifically for your little one will lay the ground work for a life full of learning!
All young children can learn and grow in music. Family Sprouts gathers kids and families together and provides opportunities for children of different ages to learn and interact together. In music making, as in development, babies, toddlers and preschoolers have unique needs. Each Family Sprouts class includes active music making designed to elicit different responses from the children based on their cognitive, social and physical skills. The Sprouting Melodies Provider (R) will be able to direct parents on how the experience for children of different ages will be unique. This is also a great class for siblings and twins and will give you lots of new ways to incorporate music in your family time at home.